Friday, January 13, 2012

Check This Out!
A new program using therapy dogs is being offered at the Pigeon District Library. Children in grades K-4 are encouraged to come to the library and read to one of two therapy dogs. Powell is owned by Sherry Phillips and Reese is owned by Jerry & Yvonne Greer. The goal is to provide a relaxed, non-judgmental environment where children can feel comfortable reading aloud to a furry friend that won’t laugh at them if they make a mistake or stumble over a word. The dogs are licensed, certified and insured through Therapy Dogs, International.

The program is being offered the first Monday and third Thursday of each month.
Pre-registration is required. A child who signs up for the program will spend ten minutes reading aloud to the therapy dog (and his handler). Four time slots are available for children who would love to read to a furry friend – 4:00, 4:15, 4:30, and 4:45. If this is something that your child would like to do, please call the library at 453-2341 to sign-up for an available time slot on January 19th.

If you own a therapy dog and would be interested in assisting with this program, please call the library at 453-2341 and ask to speak with Library Director Jeanette Bach.

This is the fourth year for our adult winter reading program which is scheduled for January 16 – March 15. We think it is a lot of fun for our adult readers, but participation is totally optional. The program is open to PDL cardholders who are at least 18 years of age and check out books, books on CD/tape, magazines, or Playaways. Weekly prize drawings will be held and participants are invited to the end-of-program party in March.

“Martin Luther King, Jr.” will be the theme for Tuesday, January 17, 2012. PreSchool Story Hour is held each Tuesday at 10:30 AM. Children listen to stories and participate in finger plays, songs and crafts. There is no cost for this service and new families are always welcome. For more information, please call the library at 453-2341 and ask for Jane Himmel.

The Huron Area Writers Group will be having their monthly meeting Thursday, January 19th at 6:30 PM. All writers, no matter what skill level, are invited to the HAWG Group.

The Pigeon District Library Board of Trustees will meet Thursday, January 26th at
4:30 PM in the library’s Community Room. The meeting is open to the public.

The next scheduled meeting for the book club is January 31 at 6:30 PM. A general discussion will be held, since no book has been chosen for this meeting. If you or someone you know would like to join us, please call the library at 453-2341 and ask for Jane Himmel.

When the weather outside gets frightful, please call the library or listen to WLEW to make sure the library will be open for your reading needs.

Hot coffee, cocoa, and tea are available on Thursdays in the Reference Room of the library. Come and relax with a cup of coffee, cocoa, or tea while reading the newspaper or visiting with fellow readers.

The Winter 2011-2012 Consumer Information catalog has arrived and can be found in the library’s Information Center which is located near the Nitz Street entrance. The sixteen-page catalog lists free and low-cost information on cars, computers, education, employment, family, federal programs, food, health, housing, money, small business, travel, and more.

The January 2012 issue of BookPage has arrived and can be found in the library’s Information Center. “A monthly general interest book review, BookPage covers the best in new releases. BookPage typically reviews up to 100 of each month’s new fiction, nonfiction, business, children’s, audio, and how-to books. The tome is upbeat and literate, focusing on bestsellers as well as discoveries.” BookPage can be accessed through the internet at